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We want women from all backgrounds to feel empowered to share their thoughts and experiences based on the current theme of the project.


We welcome all stories, dark and light - whether you choose to focus on the negative impact of the trauma itself or experiences of hope and recovery is entirely up to the individual. 


Current Theme

We are currently accepting submissions based around the theme of:

Violence Against Women & Girls 


Download Info Pack

The Get Involved PDF contains a printable postcard template and all the information you need to get creating to be able to contribute your own postcard to the Let Her campaign.

Who will see my postcard?

By submitting a postcard you consent to having your story/submission shared on the Let Her website
and/or instagram platforms.


All submissions must be anonymous, any artwork containing identifying information will not be part of the project.


Your postcard may also be used in the future as part of an exhibition of Let Her postcards curated by the artist and founder of Let Her, Dawinder Bansal. 

For more information visit our Frequently Asked Questions page by clicking the button below.

Current Theme

Postcard Activity Packs

We have created Let Her postcard activity packs designed for use by charities and support services as part of therapeutic workshops.

If you would like to receive a pack to host a workshop with your group please get in touch

Invite Someone to Speak their Truth


Spread the word of Let Her and encourage someone you know to create a postcard by including their email below.

We will send them an e-invite containing instructions for how to get involved.

Thanks! We have sent an e-invite to the email you have provided above

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